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Fort’s Overall Summative ELPAC Score

Level 4
Level 3
Level 2
Level 1
Fort has moderately developed English skills and can sometimes use English to learn new things in school and to interact in social situations. Fort may need help using English to communicate on less-familiar school topics and in less-familiar social situations.

The score range for grade six is 1150–1900. A score of 1567 or higher is considered proficient in English for grade six.

Fort’s Score History

Students are expected to show improvement within the level or move to the next level each school year.

Fort’s score increased from last year, enough to reach a higher level.
Grade Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6
Score 1490 1500 1550
Level Level 2 Level 2 Level 3
Level 4
Level 3
Level 2
Level 1

Fort’s Performance Areas

Fort’s overall score is 50 percent oral language (Listening and Speaking) and 50 percent written language (Reading and Writing) skills.

Oral Language Score


How well did your child listen to a variety of scenarios, including conversations, presentations, and stories and answer questions about what they heard?


How well did your child speak about an illustration or scene, support their opinion, retell a story, or summarize an academic presentation?

Written Language Score


How well did your child read a variety of materials and answer questions about what they read?


How well did your child write their opinion, or describe a picture or experience?