English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC) Score Reporting

SSRs that LEAs provide to parents/guardians are available electronically.

Options for Distributing SSRs

ELPAC Sample Student Score Reports

2023–24 Student Score Reports (SSRs) Timeline

Initial ELPAC and Initial Alternate ELPAC SSRs are available throughout the year, usually within two days of completion of all four domains. The following table provides estimated release dates of 2023–24 SSRs in TOMS and SISs for the Summative ELPAC and the Summative Alternate ELPAC.

Summative ELPAC and Summative Alternate ELPAC SSR Type Estimated Release
First release of Summative ELPAC SSRs grade three through grades twelve Mid-May 2024
First release of Summative ELPAC SSRs kindergarten through grades two Early-June 2024
First release of Summative Alternate ELPAC SSRs kindergarten through grades twelve Early-August 2024
Final release of any remaining Summative ELPAC and Summative Alternate SSRs for all grades (includes K–2 Writing Answer Books sent to ETS by June 16, 2024) August 2024

After the first release of results, the ongoing release of kindergarten through grade twelve SSRs will occur daily.

SSR Cover Letter Templates

SSR cover letter templates are available for LEA staff to customize and send to parents/guardians along with the child's SSR. SSR cover letter templates are available for the Summative ELPAC in English, Spanish, Standard Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Filipino, Vietnamese, Korean, Arabic, and Russian. These letters are an optional resource and are not required to be sent with the SSR.

ELPAC Student Data File Layout

ELPAC Student Participation and Scoring Resources

Guides and Videos